

W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics

W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics

W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics

(6 items)

について W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics
For more than 60 years, W-IE-NE-R crates and power supplies are known to provide the highest possible power output and lowest noise with quality and longevity in mind, featuring modular construction and incorporating a unique level of local and remote diagnostic and control tools. All of our products meet the requirements of science research and MIL/AERO customers. W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics is ISO 9001:2015 certified. W-IE-NE-R is a subsidiary of the Phoenix Mecano AG, a global player in the components, packaging and electronics market, and in there part of the Rugged Computing group.

電源 - 外部/内部(オフボード)

W-IE-NE-R Power Electronics


お客様の期待を上回ることに専念。 IChome: エレクトロニクス業界向けに再定義されたカスタマー サービス。